Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Classification of the Terrorist

Terrorism is defined as the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. This particular act of violence can be performed by anyone, anywhere. When I think if a “terrorist,” I think of a Muslims, or Arabs. This is the conception some may get when they think of terrorists simply because of al Qaeda. This is a major terrorist organization that is based on Islamic ways. In addition, people relate terrorism to Islam and Muslims. Al Qaeda definitely performs extreme acts of terror. Because of this they are classified in such a way that makes them look like the greatest enemies of all time. President George W. Bush relates terrorism to many classes that are all somewhat similar.

Overall, George W. Bush makes terrorists appear as extreme antagonists, which he should. Terrorists are by no means “good guys.” He first relates terrorists to “enemies of freedom,” for they are essentially opposing all civil liberties. This is in fact the major goal of terrorist, particularly a large group known as al Qaeda.

Next, President Bush uses an analogy to put al Qaeda in a certain class. He says, “al Qaeda is to terror what the mafia is to crime.” The Mafia was, and probably still is, the number one driving force within the world of crime. Subsequently, one can conclude that Bush is putting al Qaeda in a category of being the number one driving force in terrorism. In a more basic sense, al Qaeda equals terrorism.

It is obvious what these terrorist are doing. Terrorists can simply be classified as murderers. Like Bush said, “the Taliban regime is committing murder.” One can easily take the word terror out of the word terrorism, and that is what the Taliban and al Qaeda are doing. They live their lives to terrorize civilizations. They are not just killing people, they trying to kill civilization. “These terrorists kill not merely to end lives, but to disrupt and end a way of life.” Now, one cannot just call this group of people murders, one can call them extremists. The acts they pursue can definitely be considered extreme, and this is ultimately the class they fit into.

Aside from the outrageous title they have gained, extremist murderers, they are also being classifies in other ways by President Bush. Terrorism is strongly related to being power hungry. In addition, Bush put terrorist into new classes, “they follow in the path of fascism, Nazism, and totalitarianism.” These classes are very significant; they are strong ideologies that have negatively impacted many lives. Terrorism has now reached the class that significantly affects people in a negative way. In general, terrorism opposes anything positive in life.

President Bush then says, “any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.” The end of this statement indirectly calls terrorism a hostile regime. If a country is to side with terrorism then they are deemed hostile. Terrorist can definitely be considered hostile to the highest degree. They do not care who they are killing, whether it is soldiers, children, women, or men. Terrorism now covers the class of extreme hostility.

Lastly, terrorism may fulfill the class of uncivilized. Civilized is defined as showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable. One can then argue that terrorism by no means human, ethical, nor reasonable. They can care less about other humans, they actually terrorize other humans. They definitely don’t conform to acceptable standards; they do not follow correct moral conduct. So they cannot be considered ethical. And they are obviously not reasonable, that goes without explaining. “The civilized world is rallying to America’s side.” This was said by President Bush in his speech. Terrorists and anyone who supports terrorism would not rally with America. So those who are not associated with terrorism will rally with America and they are considered civil. Bush is classifying terrorism with being uncivilized.

President Bush fits terrorism into many different classes throughout his speech. To put it simply, he put them into the following classes: extremists, murderers, enemies of freedom, fascists, Nazis, totalitarians, hostile regimes, and uncivilized groups.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Beauty Throughout Time

Beauty cannot be determined by the person trying to be beautiful. Beauty is determined by everyone else other than this person seeking beauty. It is a level women reach based on viewers. Women must reach a standard that has been created for them. This standard is constantly changing through time. New generations bring new standards for beauty. These standards are created by people or groups at a high position. And they are maintained by viewers of the beauty, or men.

The first ideal woman is much different than the ideal woman today, and by ideal woman I mean a beautiful woman in which men greatly desire. In the eighteenth century, women were nothing like they are today. Women were deemed attractive based on wealth and riches. A fancy gown with an elaborate hairstyle would represent beauty during this time period. Weight would also symbolize wealth because it related to good health and proper eating ways. The ideal woman from the eighteenth century would not be skinny, they would wear very expensive dresses, and have extravagant hair styles. Not much skin would be revealed on a beautiful woman during this time. Their big dresses would go to their feet and their arms would be covered by the sleeves of the dress. Also, ribbons and jewels and feathers would cover the attire of the ideal, beautiful woman from the eighteenth century. This was the acceptable appearance for the times because this is what men liked. Men were attracted to wealth, for this is what men wanted, riches. This standard for beauty only lasted a so long until men desired a different kind of beauty.

As the 1800’s come around, natural beauty became the new, acceptable beauty. Jewelry, makeup, and other added accessories diminished within women beauty. This became the case because theatre and stage work arrived. Actresses needed all the accessories, leaving the everyday woman with natural beauty. Natural features had to exhibit good hygiene and good health in order to attract men. Men were no longer interested in wealth and riches in their women. They would now seek out natural beauty and this was the standard women had to meet in order to be beautiful.

During the next century, woman started to gain more freedom. They did what they wanted to show off their freedom. Shorter, wavy hair became popular for women. Also, many women looked up to the famous actresses and wanted to look like those who were famous. These actresses wore makeup, powders, creams, and lipstick on their faces. So, the everyday woman would apply makeup, powders, creams and lipstick on their face too. The actresses definitely appeared beautiful, and same went with the everyday woman. Men were attracted to this new beauty with girls dressing up their faces. Women are becoming freer as time is going on and they’re eventually doing whatever they can to appear sexy and beautiful.

This beauty is not up to the woman. Men decide if what they are seeing is beautiful and this causes a competition between all styles. Those in higher power create an appearance of the beautiful woman through their models. When a modeling company exhibits the newest style that appeals to the most people, which is the new beauty. The most popular companies set the standard of beauty through their employees, or models. The model Kate Moss started the trend of extreme thinness because this is what her boss wanted her to look like. This is something that still affects beauty today.

Hollister is currently a very popular clothing company among young adults. To display their clothes, Hollister puts them on models that are considered beautiful and sexy. Each model you see is definitely thin. In fact, they show off their thinness by wearing the clothes that show a lot of the body. The clothing is also thin and it is fitted to the models body. In addition, the viewers can perfectly see the female’s body figure. Each and every female model has an attractive body. Hollister has set the standard of beauty through their female models. As a result, other females will buy Hollister clothing and essentially try to mimic the female Hollister models. The typical female model for Hollister would wear a thin top, skinny jeans, and sandals. They would also have long, straight hair and tan skin. So, the typical women striving for beauty would wear skinny jeans, thin shirts, and sandals. This long haired, tan girl is now considered beautiful and attractive within society.

Women are simply following along with the trends in society. They can only wear what the top companies put out for them to wear. When American Eagle comes out with the latest outfits, that’s what the beautiful girl will wear. When Express creates a new look in their models, other females will follow the models and create this new beauty. It is all up to society what is beautiful and what is not beautiful.